The blue button took me to a list of 12 different projects I could sign up for. I chose Calvary Place. The description for this project said: "Help clean up this historic building that will soon be transformed into supportive housing for homeless individuals."
But I also could have chosen the Foundry Card Factory. " Help make cards for members of Foundry who are sick, celebrating a birthday, or anniversary. We'll also be making Christmas cards to hand out to clients at the Friday Walk-In Mission's annual Christmas party."

And by clicking the button that looks like this, I automatically added Great Day of Service to my Outlook.
I think I really want to spend Nov. 3 helping to clean the grounds around Calvary Place. I am still tempted, however, by the opportunities to help cook a meal at Christ House or to help prepare vegetable garden beds for winter at the Transitional Housing Corporation.
Shortly after I signed up, I got this email:
Here's a message from your VolunteerSpot organizer, Kevin
Wright, Director of Social Justice Ministries:
Dear Dean Snyder,
Thank you for signing up for Foundry Great Day of Service. You
have the following upcoming commitment(s):
For Saturday, November 03
- Calvary Place (1 spot) - Kids welcome! Help clean up this historic building that will soon be transformed into supportive housing for homeless individuals.
PLEASE KEEP THIS EMAIL MESSAGE - it's your link for accessing
your signup at anytime in the future.
I notice that I can still change my mind about which project I want to help do.Technology is brilliant!
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